Nowhere else in the vast universe does a sanctuary like planet Earth exist. Everything we need is right here on Earth, our home. Thus, during times of despair or frustration or stress, we can turn to nature to see that everything we are made of is beautiful. In nature there exists an intelligence that has immense healing potential. And that’s why the benefits of earthing are so vast.

Have you heard about the benefits of earthing or grounding?

Grounding is the act of removing excess electrical charge form an object. 

The earth maintains a negative electrical potential on its surface. This subtle energetic field is comprised of mostly continuous direct currents (DC). A DC current flows in one direction, similar to a river. We should be concerned that technology and urban design have greatly disconnected man from this vital source of energy, for it has disrupted our direct connection to the earth. 

In our homes, technological devices surround us. These forms of technology produce primarily alternating current or AC fields. An AC current can flow in both directions, similar to a wave. These disruptive currents are quite foreign to the human body. By extension, over-exposure to AC waves can elicit feelings of agitation in the body. For example: notice how your mind feels after too much time on the computer, watching television or being inside under artificial light for too long. Furthermore, these conditions create stress on the body and simultaneously limit our body’s natural functions for healing.   

By wearing clothing and shoes made of synthetic materials, we block our bodies from connecting to the energetic field of the earth.  

Emotions are energy. Thus, the act of grounding can help to release the buildup of thought and emotion that a person may be harboring. Direct contact with the earth allows the earth’s electrons to conduct into your body. This brings your body’s electrical potential to the same frequency as the earth itself. 

The earth’s energy transfers to any conductive object that it comes in contact with. We therefore instantly feel at peace when we walk barefoot on the beach, lay down under a tree, or after camping and sleeping on the ground. 

You do not need any fancy equipment to experience earthing. To access the grounding potential of nature, walk barefoot, sit or lay down directly on the earth. 

Where are your favorite places to walk barefoot? 

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